
Snowflake Diaries

It begins as a simple phenomenon, not knowing the future
Above the mountains, floating, one with the clouds
Shapeless right now, but nonetheless there waiting
Waiting for the right time to fall.
Suddenly, there is a pull. Oh no.
It's not time yet, not ready yet
Don't fall.
They're all falling, getting shapes, none the same.
Each one has a different destination, different destiny
Some to melt, some to blind, some to freeze, some to build
Some treacherous, some soft...
But it wonders, what is the future? what is the destination?
Not shaped yet, don't shape yet, not ready yet.
Oh no. Don't fall. The pull is coming. Oh no.
Suddenly, it's falling.
It has a shape. Unique, beautiful, white
It falls on an eyelash
A smile. A laugh.
Blending into joy.

hmm. anyway.
I'm awake far too early today. I've been having all kinds of weird dreams lately, but I can never remember them in coherent thoughts, only in vague feelings and images.
You know, I love the friends I've made on my floor. I love them so much that I can't imagine not living with them next year. I have two classes with one friend each.... and it kind of sucks being the safety net so they don't always have to go to class, because of course I'll go and take notes, and of course I'll let them see my notes. Oh well, it's okay. woot.
I've been spending a lot of time down at my cousins' house in Springville, which is the most random thing ever, but has been very incredibly fun. In just a few short days, I'm already getting closer to my cousins than I've ever been, and getting really close to the family living with them, and my friend who is the connection between me and that whole world. I went down there last night with him, and we took one of the guys to Pleasant Grove after we finally left (at like 10:20). I haven't been up around Mt Timp temple in a really, really long time.. and that's "my" temple. I love it.. So many memories. Anyway, my friend drove by it and I got to see it up close for the first time in at least two years. I think that was the first time I've ever seen it without scaffolding. :)

Anyway. I suppose I should go get ready for class. Unfortunately.


Blogger Kr5is said...

I love that Temple. I hope for the opertunity one day marry there. I have a lot of fond memories of it too. To make things even more wierd, I had a dream about going to the Temple for the first time last night. I'm sure what I dreamt is nothing like it really is, but I can't wait to witness it first hand. Holly you rock! You can come hang out with us too, more than just Sundays. luv ya!

9:23 AM  

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