
Today I threw your memory away

People don't have any faith anymore. We don't have faith in other people. When something gets messed up, or when people get in our way, we automatically assume it's because they're stupid, or they're somehow out to ruin our plans (or even our lives). Why is it that when someone pulls into a lane right in front of you, cutting you off, that ti's just automatically assumed that person is crazy or retarded? Why, if someone messed up on a task they're given, are they put down on the "bad" list? Can't it be that the "crazy" driver is having a bad day, and has just gotten some bad news, or maybe just didn't see you? Or, when the person who is serving your food forgets to bring something to your table, why do people get so mad? Why can't we remember patience? Why don't we decide to assume the best about people rather than the worst? You never know what's going to happen to you, or who you're accidentally going to cut off on the highway, or which one of those "idiots" you're going to meet one day. It only brings us down to think that people are inherently bad. To put down someone we've never even met. Why in the world do we do that, anyway? Where did we learn it? Yeah, one person may actually be a stupid or crazy driver. Yeah, one person might actually be acting dangerously. But that's no excuse to dig ourselves into a big deep fatal pit of cynicism. There's someone out there who's suffering because of all the hate in the air. There's someone trying to stay happy, trying to keep smiling at that sad looking stranger, who's being brought down by your ignorant disapproval of that same sad stranger.

What about friendship, yeah what about friends?
You said the whole world was against you
And it all had to end
What about love? What about family?
What about all that you had to live for?
What if the world were a little more perfect?
Would you stop crying, would you take the leap?
Now what if the world were a little more perfect,
Would you open your eyes
And blink again for me?

It's not really that hard to be happy.


Blogger famousjay said...

Baby, this is one place you and I find common ground. I've always felt the same way. I used to cry in junior high when people would make fun of the fat kid in the class or say something about the mentally retarded kid behind his back. It didn't matter if they didn't hear what the other kids were saying. Or when people yell at other drivers and just say horrible thing...I hate that. Or when people make a huge fuss at the waiter because the food wasn't PERFECT. It's okay. It's not a huge deal. It's just food. Let it go. I HATE making other people feel bad. I completely understand how you feel. That's why I can't stand to see homeless people...I almost always instantly cry, at least to myself. Anyway, I want you to know that that's something I have a hard time with, too. Why can't everyone just chill out about it? I feel ya kid. It's not going to change, either, but at least you know SOMEONE out there agrees with you. :)

9:52 AM  

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