
I work, I sleep..

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I feel like I never really have a whole lot to post about. Life is fairly monotonous. I work, and I sleep, and I read, and I eat, and I sleep some more.. But then again, once I start thinking about it, my life actually isn't quite as boring as that.

I work. What I do for work isn't quite what other 18-year-olds are doing. I don't work at a restaurant doing waitressing, I don't work at a clothes store hoping for commissions. I don't have to wait until Saturday night to find out what my schedule's going to be for the next week. Yeah, I work full-time (and overtime, as much as I can) at Johns Hopkins, with the duties of a full-blown Research Associate. On Sunday my mom and I drove up to Philadelphia and I attended a Barnett International training class for Clinical Research Coordinators. Holy crap, I learned SO much, and I get a fancy certificate and a big chip for my resume game. I took the train home, and by the way, the Philly 30th Street train station is old-timey awesome, with a really high ceiling and cool columns and disgusting food. It's great.

I sleep... a lot. lol I was thinking today, I should start a slogan campaign. It'd be "I'd Rather Be Sleeping." You know.. like the "I Am Loved" slogan thing. Or, more like the "S*** Happens" thing.. Or, for anyone at BYU, the "Not Funny" thing. I could make T-shirts and bumper stickers and pillowcases and binders and all kinds of stuff. I could put different pictures of different scenarios, like being at school, at work, in a zoo, in space...whatever. Lots of things. And the picture would show something very not fun, and it'd just say, "I'd rather be sleeping."
hmm. Maybe I should sell my idea to a mattress company.

Matt FINALLY got his call. He's going to Guatemala City! Very awesome. :)

Anyway..that pretty much sums it up for me..


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