
Moments never die

So I've been doing a lot of thinking lately. I know, I know....those things are bad for you... but one can't really help it at such a time as now.

I'm having a really hard time figuring out why I don't want to be in college. It could be that I liked high school an abnormal amount, or maybe I'm just not a college person. Some people aren't... but that's not acceptable in today's world. All people have to have either 12 years of college or be really really rich to be considered a human being worthy of consideration. I don't know what I'm going to do next fall. I have to be a full time student somewhere during the fall, for insurance purposes. But I just don't know if I'm going to be coming back to BYU or not. Then again, if I do, then I'm going to do the DisneyWorld internship next winter, which would be really cool. aaaaand, yeah. I think I'd miss my sister too much if I didn't come home.

I really need to bite the bullet and quit this. It's not doing anyone any good, and nothing is going to end up the way I've always planned/wanted. But I guess I'll see soon enough.

Four days. That's all... four days and then I'll be home. Hooray!! :) I'll have friends! hehe

Well, I suppose I should go study for my two last finals. Adieu!


Blogger famousjay said...

I will be sad when you're gone.

11:21 AM  

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