
My sarcastic hero

Yup. Definitely no motivation to update. Alas.

Yay for getting a lot accomplished and still wasting tons of time. I'm going to really like this semester of 2-days-a-week-of-school thing. I'm not so much going to like the smelling like formaldehyde (or however it's spelled) ie, dead bodies. But I suppose I'll get over it. lol I got 4 out of 5 on my first Anatomy quiz. Hooray. That class is going to kick my trash.

Alias season 4 DVD comes out next month. Hmm.. I miss watching Daria. Her witty monotone sarcasm was much appreciated by moi. I wonder if they have the season DVDs, because I would totally buy one. Or two. [Edit] I found a place has all 65 episodes of Daria, plus the pilot and the movie Is It College Yet? for $65 with free shipping. That's like, a dollar an episode, and a free movie. Should I?

Two hours at the gym last night. Again tonight? Maybe not 2 hours. But at least one. Yay for trying to lose weight the "healthy way" and consequently getting in shape and strengthening my stupid bad lungs and preventing chronic diseases and decreasing my stupid anxiety problems (supposedly) and not causing permanent damage to my already screwed up ankles. Yay! And yay for having a friend to gym-it-up with. Woot.

Apart from that, I don't have many thoughts for today. I started applying for a job today, I took Beefy to lunch for his birthday, and my brain hurts. lol :)


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