
Sweet like a kiss, sharp as a razor blade

Wow, that was sure fast. It was only the night before last that I finally cleared everything up with Ryan, and I already have a date tonight. How crazy?? Yep. very crazy. Of course, it's a blind date, and I'm kinda scared, but it's a double date with a good friend. We're going to the Inner Harbor. I think this is the first date (that's actually been called an official "date") I've been on since.. oh, about a year ago. Good times.

I can't believe it's already July! :-) I'm excited to get back to Utah. I've been emailing back and forth with my little sister Emily, and holy crap she's so cute. And I miss my dad and step mom so much. And my Bee, of course! I'm SO excited, because Matty will still be in town when I get back, and Sarah and the girls will be there too, and my mom's gonna be out for Education Week, and Nick wants to take me out sometime soon after I get back, maybe boating on the 20th, and, and, and, yeah. :)

Things are looking up. My mom said the other day that it's easier to go up when you're starting from the bottom, and is actually quite hard to start in mid-air and go up. That was really interesting. So, no more of this "Just when you think you've hit rock bottom, it drills a ten-foot hole in itself" junk.

And Ashley and Christine are back from Hawaii. Hooray!

And I got a new awesome straightener. I need to get my hair cut.

Aaaand, I have 52 hours of work this week. :) I love overtime.

Now I'm gonna go do my whole jogging deal, and then un-gross-ify myself.


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