
Love lifts us up where we belong

Today was kind of a mellow day... My Book of Mormon class was tough. I totally love my teacher, and I love learning about the BoM, but sometimes.. it's just tough on your spirit. Especially in 3 Nephi 6-8... It just made me so sad, thinking about those people.. and how the world is turning out today. It makes me want to change the world, to make it better, to make people better. Today in my Political Science class, our speaker was the United States advocate to the UN about the Family. He read us different resolutions the UN has passed, that basically work together to dissolve the family unit. Hello, PEOPLE!... society cannot function without family. Family is the most fundamental unit of society. We're basically begging for our own destruction here.
I wrote a poem last year, and as I was just sorting through some of my old stuff, I came across this.. and it really applies right now, so..yeah, I guess I'll post it.

The Poison Apple

The earth is spinning faster
Careful – it’ll knock you down
Quick!, get a foothold; brace yourself
Before you know it, your world will tumble down.

Another child’s dream is shattered.
Another tragic hero bites the dust.
Ephemeral happiness transforms into careless melancholy
Cinderella’s still scrubbing the floor –
No happily ever after in this town –
The shoe didn’t fit after all.

The earth is spinning faster…
We weren’t careful enough
We weren’t quick enough
The world has tumbled down:
Where love and charity have fled,
Hatred and greed abound in their places.
Where peace and beauty once lived,
War and devastation are all we can see.
Another child’s dream is shattered
Another hero bites the dust
Our world bit the apple…
But she’s not waking up this time.

Yeah, wow, that poem is actually really depressing. I should write like a happy section or something. Anyway.
My hope that remains.... individuals can still create heaven on earth even when the world refuses to even think about actual happiness. There can still be joy, amidst all the pain and suffering we bring upon ourselves. Monday is Valentine's Day. It's basically a "let's see how extravagant we can get to show our love" day. But, the point is, it's about love. (mostly.) Love, and sharing that love. Hooray! Go share your love. Shout it to the world.

I found some old memories tonight, in an old tin container. I am content. I am so happy.. and so lucky.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just looked at your pictures.... you get more beautiful every time I see you! I love you!!

PS-I work with Mike Brown (11th grader this year I think). He says he knows you...do you know him?

6:14 PM  
Blogger HollyAnn said...

Yeah, i know him! that poor kid has gone through so much in the past year. But, it's so good to hear from you!!!! :)

6:56 PM  

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