
The equation of DEATH

Man, this sucks. A week ago, I didn't really have much to think about or to worry about. Now, there are like a dozen huge decisions all trying to kill me at the same time. Sorry guys, I can only be killed once at a time, so you're just gonna have to take turns, okay? Geez! These hatchet-weidling decisions are so inconsiderate. I don't know what to do about anything anymore.

Live with my sister or my best friend?
Sell my car or not sell my car?
Europe or no Europe?
Anything and everything related to school?

So I got my hair highlighted today. It looks cool, lol I was looking in the mirror a few minutes ago while washing my hands, and for a second I looked like Avril Lavigne, which is fairly insane if you've ever seen me. lol Anyway. The girl who did my hair was really cool. She did highlights and low-lights, and my mom thinks the highlights are too white-ish and the low-lights are too red-ish..and yeah they kind of are, but every time I get highlights, it always seems to not good at first, but then after a couple shampoo sessions, some of the color strips out and it's where it should be. And even if that doesn't happen, I think it looks cool. :) Jackie (the girl who did the stuff) said I look better with lighter hair, and I happen to agree.

Anyway. My mom awesomely gave me a gift card as a huge random early birthday surprise for the hair stuff, and when I got home there were these two little soft fuzzy animals from the Disney Store on my bed. So freakin cute! lol :) I think she's trying to get blog time.. Well, man, she's earned it. You know, for the gift card and the fuzzy soft stuffed animals. That whole "giving me life" thing, yeah, I guess that was pretty nice of her too. ;-)

This week has just NOT been a productive week for me. Tomorrow's gonna be a good long work day, hopefully, but Saturday I need to clean my room and do extra running and put my bed back together and try to organize things and pick stuff to put into a box to ship out to Utah, AND I'm going to see the high school play that night, possibly with an old friend. So Saturday will be a good day, but tres busy. Not much allowance for 10 hours of work, if I'm to get all those other things done too!


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