
The joker and me went on our way

Songs that I can officially play all the way through on guitar, with singing and sounding fairly decent:
  1. The Wreckers - Leave the Pieces
  2. The Wreckers - Lay Me Down
  3. The Wreckers - Cigarettes
  4. Lifehouse - You and Me
  5. Green Day - Good Riddance (Time of Your Life)
  6. Michelle Branch - Goodbye To You
  7. Avil Lavigne - Keep Holding On
  8. KT Tunstall - Other Side of the World
  9. KT Tunstall - Heal Over
  10. BBMak - Out Of My Heart
  11. Corey Crowder - Here's Lookin' At You, Kid
  12. System Of A Down - Roulette
  13. Howie Day - Collide
It looks like a long-ish list, but seriously.. most of those songs use the same 3 or 4 chords, just in different progressions. Haha I'm working on a couple more, and possibly some original stuff.. But that's gonna take a while. Give me recommendations on songs to check out and learn! I need to find some challenging songs to work my fingers and get better.

Weird weekend. I'm almost glad it's over, minus the fact that I don't get to sleep in again for another 6 days. A lot of things in my life feel like they're about to break loose and spin out of control, and I'll definitely be trying my hardest to stop that from happening. Find a niche, settle in, calm down and be patient.

I miss my mom.

Mmmm... time for sleep. Yes, definitely. Sleep is a perfect synonym for Happiness.


I had a dream about you

I was contemplating doing an entry asking whoever read it to just leave a one or two word comment, just to find out how many people read this thing. But then I realized I would probably never update again, because knowing how many people are reading my blog would be kind of disturbing, even though that's kind of the point of "blogging". So I'll remain in my blissful state of ignorance.

I feel like I'm picking things up at work. I mean yeah, I'm picking up on more of the actual work-related information, but I'm getting more than just that. It's a whole way of thinking, of analyzing problems, figuring out when, where, and how the problem started and what you can do to fix it. If the brain is just a more complex computer, shouldn't there be some sort of shortcuts? Seriously, imagine if you could just right click on your brain and select "Manage". Or if you could map your brain to another brain and be able to share the ideas/feelings/memories you want to share. Wouldn't that make things a lot simpler? Yeah.

I have more direction with school stuff, and I'm getting impatient to get started. It's going to take me at least another 3 years, but at least now I know what I'm going to do. Now all that's left is to figure out how to fit work in there. I still don't know where I'll end up with this whole Dexis-taking-over-the-department-I-just-barely-joined thing, but whatever happens I absolutely must start taking classes this summer. I'm not as worried about paying for school anymore, which is really nice, mainly because I started filing my tax returns last night. My W2 from Convergys hasn't come yet, but I started filing for Maryland, and maaaan it's beautiful. With my regular paychecks, plus my tax return, plus whatever the bonus turns out to be, I'll be completely out of debt by the end of this summer. Woot. I'm so sick of having that hanging over me.. It'll be nice to be on top again, and able to save for school and Europe and all that fun stuff the future brings, and stop having money run my life.

Sometimes you can try to overwrite a memory or an emotion with something else. But every now and then, like a badly re-recorded VHS tape, bits and pieces of those memories and emotions surface on the screen again. Like when you get a random phone call from someone you didn't expect to ever call you again. And you find out that person has been asking about you, concerned you're mad at them. And you pass them driving on your way home, see that stupid half-attatched license plate... Lame.

Potluck tomorrow.

I learned another few songs on the guitar tonight. Sweet! How can a day get better, really?
1) Finding out how much money I'm going to get back from the government
2) Baking more delicious edible cookies
3) Feeling more and more comfortable with guitar, something I've been wanting for about 3 years.
4) Going to bed early!

Yes, I'm gonna go work on #4 right now. Goodnight!


It's an arms race

You know how some people have a comfort blanket or a specific comfort food they turn to in those times where you just need that little something to settle your mind or run away from things? Well, I have a comfort guitar. Playing my guitar for my fish really gives me an odd sense of security. Probably because my fish doesn't have an opinion one way or the other, he's just glad there's someone around. Whenever I play, he swims to the middle of the roots and just sits there and stares at me. Sometimes he'll take a lap or two around the tank, but then settle back into his staring-at-me position.

Money situations are starting to get a lot better. Still way too much to pay for, and a few things I need to get rid of, but overall things are far more manageable now. I tell you what, though.. I seriously can't wait for my tax return. It seriously better be good and fat. Also, I'm crossing my fingers that the "Transition" lasts through the summer. Yay for big fat bonuses. :)

2007 is going to be devoted to paying off my car, paying off my credit cards, and saving up money to go to Europe.

I don't know what to think of things. The one thing I do know is that I'm way more screwed up now, not to mention less optimistic and more cynical about people's intentions and motivations. I'm not sure if I should quit while I'm ahead, or stop being an idiot and calm down and be patient. Then again, patience really didn't work out so well last time.

Can I right click on my brain and select "manage"? Yeah, that'd be great. To see all the components laid out, to be able to Update or uninstall whichever components aren't working properly. Mmmm.... brain defrag..

That is all.


Making it for yourself

You know that feeling you have after a really good, really fun date? Yeah. Good times. I guess I should update about it, mainly because typing is faster than writing and I want to remember it.

I left work on time, about 5:30. I headed home, because my family had made dinner specially so I could eat it too.. (They made chicken rice alfredo! It was goood..) So I got down to Sam's apartment at about 7:00. I talked to his roommate Andy for a minute, then Sam and I left and headed out for our "fishing" adventure.

Our first stop was D.I. to look for fishing hats and other necessary fishing stuffs. We spent like an hour trying on all kinds of hideous hats, and eventually found these two hats that were actually pretty decent. They kind of match in style, one is green and one is red. After the hat issue was tackled, we found this little stuffed killer whale. Then we found a jump rope for our "fishing rope" haha.. And poor whale, he got noose-ed! Sam made a little noose with the jump rope, to "catch" the whale. AND we found a net! haha It's this little fake plastic tennis racket, and the string isn't really tight together, so it was the net. And, of course, we had the bait... Gummy worms! In addition to getting said fish paraphernalia, we took some pictures with my phone and got some posters for his room.

After that, we headed out to actually GET the fish. He wanted a betta fish, in a vase with a peace lily. (Yay for automatic feeding!) So first we went to Petco to pick out the perfect fish. It took a while to find the perfect one, and the race came down to three potentials.. One dark blue one with red tinting, one very red (and very feisty) one, and a really cool looking multi-colored crowntail betta. The dark blue one was kind of lazy and apathetic... In other words, it was boring. The crowntail was a little concerning, as it swam in really odd patterns.. sometimes sideways.. haha Plus, the red one really was the coolest one, from the beginning. He was all feisty and in-your-face. Muahahaha. You gotta have a fish with personality, ya know?

Then we went to Home Depot to search for the plant, and had a really great conversation on the way there... But man, you wouldn't think it'd be so hard to find a peace lily!! We finally found one after about 30-45 minutes, but it was really hard because it didn't have any blossoms on it. It was just leaves, which happens, it's fine.. But there wasn't a name on the pot, so it was a matter of comparing the leaves to pictures of the plant in all the books in the Garden department. hehe

Then, off to Wal-Mart to get the vase and the rocks! Since the fish is red, Sam wanted to get black rocks, and then sift out some white rocks from the small size. So cool! He has the greatest creative ideas, I swear. After we finally had everything we needed, we headed back to my house to put it all together.

Sam played the piano for a few minutes while I made some room on the kitchen counters to do the stuff. (My dad has just installed one of those "under the cabinet cd player/radio" things, and all the contents of that cabinet were all over the counters and such.) He's an amazing piano player. You can tell just by listening to him play that he's really comfortable with it. Some people play the piano like it's a constant performance, always sort of stressing about it. He plays like breathing, just very natural and flowing.

Getting all the soil out of the roots of the plant was a team effort, haha. But that finally got done, and we set about sorting all the whites and blacks out of the little rocks, while listening to Brian Regan on my laptop. My little sister helped us, it was so fun. We put on the Comedy Central Presents video, cuz Sam hadn't seen it, and my dad watched with us too. He was really cool about meeting my family, totally asking my little sister questions and acting really relaxed with my dad there too. It was such a blast!

It took until about 11:15 to get the vase set up with the rocks (and I changed my fish's water too), but then I took him home. He had to sneak the fish into his apartment, all secretively like... I dubbed him 00Sam. (Okay, it sounds cooler out loud. Say it! "Double-O Sam".. almost like double-0 seven.. ANYWAY. So he finally got the fish in his room without getting caught, then came back out to get the posters he got and say goodbye and everything.

And the night ended with a goodbye hug, and then a nice very traffic-free drive home which included a call to Jaimie, since I'd missed her call earlier that night. :)

I guess you could say it was a really typical Provo first date, but I'm beginning to appreciate that idea more and more. For the kind of relationship I want, things need to start out slow and progress naturally without being forced on either end. It feels really good though.

Yeah, things may not go very far, it may not work out in the end. But that's kind of okay. I'm not really scared about getting in to this. This marks a turning point in the type of guys I date. (Namely: I dated guys who are bad for me. Now I'm going to date guys who aren't jerks.)

Plus, I had a blast going fishin', AND I have a cute hat, a jump rope, a little stuffed whale, and memories of a fun adventure with a fantastic guy. Very good times. :)

Cowboys ride into sunsets
The good guy always gets the girl
Cinderella has just fit
The glass slipper that changed her world
We all know the stories
We all know the fairy tales
We all get the glory
Of making it for ourselves

From the beginning
We're all looking for a happy ending
Every dream of winning
Every love we've been in
Right from the beginning
We're looking for a happy ending


La-hooo-za-hair. Loser.

So, it's funny what you learn everything about someone you could have loved once. Drinking and doing pot while dating me and seeming to be such a clean person. What a hypocrite, what a loser.
I never thought this song would literally apply to my life, but hey, it does. Or, it did. Things are going to be so much better now. Sometimes you just need a new face around. :) Someone who actually IS what they appear to be.

You loser.

It's funny when you think it's gonna work out
Till you chose weed over me, you’re so lame

I thought you were cool until the point,
Up until the point you didn't call me when you said you would
Finally figured out you're all the same,
Always coming up with some kind of story

Every time I try to make you smile,
You're always feeling sorry for yourself
Every time I try to make you laugh,
You can't, you're too tough
You think you're loveless
Was it too much that I asked you for?

Thought you'd come around when I ignored you,
Sorta thought you'd have the decency to change
But babe I guess you didn't take that warning,
’Cause I'm not about to look at your face again

Can't you see that you lie to yourself?
You can't see the world through a mirror.