

Hello dear Blogger, I'm sorry I've neglected you so much for 18 days. I hope you'll be able to forgive me.

So, a lot has happened in the past couple of weeks. Some things have been wonderful, some extremely confusing, and some not so fun. It's been very Bee-less, which is very unfortunate and I miss my sister. *sniff* But, in other news, I've had an epiphany and I'm not so lonely anymore, and my pissed-off meter is showing lower levels as of late. I'll be leaving here in about 20 minutes to go to the doctor, whose office is down in Provo and I don't really know how to get there. Woohoo, good times. :)

School is absolutely kicking my trash. lol


Take your best shot

I quite enjoy working out. :-D
If all goes according to plan.. in 4 months, I will be a different-looking person with a brand-spakin "new" crap car. And, I'm going to be able to kick any other girl's trash at the bench press. Muahahaha.



Apathy and entropy

Three posts in one day. But this one isn't a normal post.

There are four different responses to the Hurricane and the effects.
one: "The government is crap and is utterly at fault for how bad this is."
two: "Disaster?"
three: "We need help! Help!"
and four: "How can I help? I'll do it."

Which one do you fall under? Are you sitting on your butt being angry and thinking that Bush is a horrible president? Do you really think that's constructive? Or are you praying for those people affected? Are you learning, reading, watching everything about what's going on, so you can actually make an EDUCATED opinion on the government's current state of affairs? Are you donating to the cause?

Are you more fully appreciating life and how lucky, how blessed you are?

There's a painter who's an evacuee from New Orleans, recently arrived in Salt Lake. The people setting up at Camp Andrew (i think that's the name of it) were setting up a day care spot. Before he had even gotten the chance to lay down and sleep, he'd already volunteered to help paint the day care walls. There's a similar situation with a plumber. There were some problems, because the Base hasn't been used in a while, and this plumber saw there was a problem, and asked if he could help. He said, "I'm somewhere safe, I have a bed tonight. Now, give me somewhere I can be of service."

If people who've lost everything can refrain from sitting around criticising the government, then the rest of us young and stupid kids can, too. Come on guys. Don't boycott gas -- carpool. Do you honestly believe President Bush is all-powerful, and therefore deserves all this blame? And do you really think it does any good, all the stuff you're saying? We don't need terrorists to tear our country apart -- we do fine on our own.

Come on. Be proud of who you are, where you live, and what it stands for. Help this country heal. Don't shout it further to pieces.

sorry guys, this is just all really getting to me. I wish people could see how all that is more destructive than Katrina herself.


I just took this little test thing for Student Development. It's kind of a personality/preference test, but a good one. Not like those lame ones on tickle.com or whatever. Here are my results, typed directly from the packet...

Clearly more introverted than extraverted
Slightly higher in sensing than intuition
Moderately higher in feeling than thinking
Slightly higher in judging than perceiving

My Type: ISFJ.
Common characteristics associated with the type:
Quiet, friendly, responsible, and conscientious. Committed and steady in meeting their obligations. Thorough, painstaking, and accurate. Loyal, considerate, notice and remember specifics about people who are important to them, concerned with how others feel. Strive to create an orderly and harmonious environment at work and at home.

So, yeah. Good times.

My sarcastic hero

Yup. Definitely no motivation to update. Alas.

Yay for getting a lot accomplished and still wasting tons of time. I'm going to really like this semester of 2-days-a-week-of-school thing. I'm not so much going to like the smelling like formaldehyde (or however it's spelled) ie, dead bodies. But I suppose I'll get over it. lol I got 4 out of 5 on my first Anatomy quiz. Hooray. That class is going to kick my trash.

Alias season 4 DVD comes out next month. Hmm.. I miss watching Daria. Her witty monotone sarcasm was much appreciated by moi. I wonder if they have the season DVDs, because I would totally buy one. Or two. [Edit] I found a place has all 65 episodes of Daria, plus the pilot and the movie Is It College Yet? for $65 with free shipping. That's like, a dollar an episode, and a free movie. Should I?

Two hours at the gym last night. Again tonight? Maybe not 2 hours. But at least one. Yay for trying to lose weight the "healthy way" and consequently getting in shape and strengthening my stupid bad lungs and preventing chronic diseases and decreasing my stupid anxiety problems (supposedly) and not causing permanent damage to my already screwed up ankles. Yay! And yay for having a friend to gym-it-up with. Woot.

Apart from that, I don't have many thoughts for today. I started applying for a job today, I took Beefy to lunch for his birthday, and my brain hurts. lol :)